How to succeed as a gambling operator

I am inaugurating this blog with a first post with a very simple view of how to succeed as a gambling operator.
This was taught to me in one of my first days in the sector back in 2012.
There are two ways of succeeding as an operator in gambling.
One is with great acquisition and the other one is with amazing retention

You can do well if you manage to acquire lots of players and you lose most of them, as long as you keep acquiring a lot of new players.

And you can have a good business if you are failing to acquire a lot of players, but you retain very well those that you acquire.
But in order to really have a successful operation within gambling, you will have to master both things.
We will share in this blog different posts about acquisition, retention, marketing, CRM and other stuff like that, based on my experience in the sector in Spain and Latam.
In Itzitip we help companies in the gambling industry to succeed in Spain and Latam. We work with operators, affiliates, game providers, testing labs…
We have +10 years of experience in gambling, with a lot of focus in the Bingo multiplayer vertical and Casino.
Get in touch if you are already operating in these markets and want to get some help to improve your operations, or if you are planning to launch and want to get some insights about these markets before launching.
Eduardo Miranda

Eduardo Miranda

Eduardo is the founder of Itzitip Consulting. ​He has worked in the gambling industry for more than 11 years, in different positions within different companies.

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